Getting Your Pitch Right


The basis of most forms of music (except maybe dubstep) is to have stuff be in tune with each other. Right?

Oh yeah, memes don’t need to be in tune either.

Memes aside, I’m sure that being out of tune is something that everyone struggles with at one point or another. This is big problem in acapella music, since there’s no perfectly in tune backing track for the singers to take reference from. We are the backing track.

Anyway, whether you’re a first time singer hoping to make a good impression, or a leader of an acapella group who’s frustrated by pitch problems, fret not! This section of the blog will teach you a simple but effective method to get in tune 🙂

(Disclaimer: it comes with a fair bit of practice, but the more you use this system, the easier things will be in the future)


Part 1: The Difficulty of Learning New Songs
Part 2: What is Solfege?
Part 3: Pianos, Sheet Music, Key Signatures
Part 4: Accidentals


Good luck!

~ Andrew